Ordering Ryanair Group Pilots Uniform Clothing

Your Ryanair group uniform supplier

Your official pilot’s uniform and accessories should be ordered through the pilot’s uniform website which is ONLY accessible through E-Crew.

(Access to E-Crew is explained on day one of your course)

As a new Ryanair pilot, or if you have not been measured by us for several years, you are encouraged to visit our premises on an appointment basis. The benefits of this visit are that you will be professionally measured and will receive the very same Jacket / Trousers which you actually try on. Items such as shirts, ties, knitwear etc, may be taken with you on the measurement day if preferred. We will then deliver any outstanding uniform items to EMT or directly to your home address. Wherever possible, you are advised accept your uniform delivery at EMT or a local hotel.

If you don’t have access to a car, you should consider arranging yourselves into groups of 4 and using a taxi.
 (We Suggest you use Uber, not the airport taxi company as this is expensive)

To make an appointment to visit AAC, please contact the Tailoring team below by phone or email:

Neil 0044 (0) 7875 491 924 neil@aacuniforms.co.uk

Deborah 0044 (0) 7891 952 479 deborah@aacuniforms.co.uk

To summarise the best way forward:

  • Place your order online by going through E-Crew and onto the Pilots uniform website BEFORE you visit us.

    Please put your course number next to your name.

  • Do not be concerned about ordering the correct size, we will amend everything during the measuring process.
  • Arrange yourselves into groups of 4 (maximum)
  • Make an appointment with the AAC Tailors


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